Critical failure when generating projection panel for grayscale images
When launching FoDoMuST on grayscale images, the "ProjectionPanel" in ImageResultPanelbis would fail and blocks everything.
Actually, this is "normal" since the projection panel is used to reduce the Data's dimension for the purpose of visualisation. However, it does not make sense to reducethe dimension when the dimension is lower than 3. So, if we have less than 3 bands (attributes), we should not create a projection panel.
Here is the console output from the server which is totally abnormal...
2023-07-12 15:51:54.216 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] c.s.P.module.fodomust.FodoMustServer : ------------------- Received message String -------------------
2023-07-12 15:51:54.216 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] c.s.P.module.fodomust.FodoMustServer : Received message header: GET_SCALING
2023-07-12 15:51:54.216 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] c.s.P.module.fodomust.FodoMustServer : ###### CLIENT INFO ######
2023-07-12 15:51:54.216 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] c.s.P.module.fodomust.FodoMustServer : Client id : cea59ee7-2242-4c82-a9ce-c0476b6d3b47
2023-07-12 15:51:54.216 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] c.s.P.module.fodomust.FodoMustServer : Wed Jul 12 15:51:25 CEST 2023
2023-07-12 15:51:54.231 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] j.d.M.sourire.netlib.ARPACK : ARPACK: 600 iterations for Matrix of size 60
2023-07-12 15:51:54.231 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] j.d.M.sourire.netlib.ARPACK : ARPACK computed 0 eigenvalues
2023-07-12 15:51:54.235 INFO 126696 --- [SocketWorker-32] j.d.M.sourire.math.BFGS : L-BFGS: initial function value: NaN
Edited by Chenglin XU